214 research outputs found

    Are We There Yet? Human Factors Knowledge and Health Information Technology – the Challenges of Implementation and Impact

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    Objective: To review the developments in human factors (HF)research on the challenges of health information technology(HIT) implementation and impact given the continuing incidenceof usability problems and unintended consequences from HITdevelopment and use.Methods: A search of PubMed/Medline and Web of Science®identified HF research published in 2015 and 2016. Electronichealth records (EHRs) and patient-centred HIT emerged assignificant foci of recent HF research. The authors selected prominentpapers highlighting ongoing HF and usability challenges inthese areas. This selective rather than systematic review of recentHF research highlights these key challenges and reflects on theirimplications on the future impact of HF research on HIT.Results: Research provides evidence of continued poor design,implementation, and usability of HIT, as well as technologyinducederrors and unintended consequences. The paperhighlights support for: (i) strengthening the evidence base on thebenefits of HF approaches; (ii) improving knowledge translationin the implementation of HF approaches during HIT design,implementation, and evaluation; (iii) increasing transparency,governance, and enforcement of HF best practices at all stages ofthe HIT system development life cycle.Discussion and Conclusion: HF and usability approaches are yetto become embedded as integral components of HIT development,implementation, and impact assessment. As HIT becomesever-more pervasive including with patients as end-users, thereis a need to expand our conceptualisation of the problems to beaddressed and the suite of tactics and strategies to be used tocalibrate our pro-active involvement in its improvement

    Ідентифікація внутрішніх та зовнішніх загроз системі економічної безпеки будівельних підприємств

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    Analyzed the main threats to the economic security of the system construction companies. All threats of their area of origin identified as internal and external. Also individually grouped the threats that are inherent in the system of economic security of any enterprise, regardless of the scope of their activities and those that are unique to the construction companies.Проаналізовано основні загрози системі економічної безпеки будівельних підприємств. Всі загрози за сферою їх виникнення ідентифіковані як зовнішні та внутрішні. Також окремо згруповані ті загрози, котрі будуть притаманні системі економічної безпеки будь-яких підприємств не залежно від сфери їх діяльності й ті, які будуть властиві лише будівельним організаціям

    Technology-enhanced learning for improving complex problem-solving expertise

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    Learning through complex problem solving has received increased attention in educational areas. This is particularly the case in challenging domains such as medical education, where problem-based learning (PBL) is widely adopted and found to be effective in helping students to improve their abilities in clinical reasoning, problem solving, and self-directed and cooperative learning. However, there are concerns about PBL’s effects on development of systemic knowledge structures and efficient reasoning processes, which are critical for expertise development. To address the challenge, a technology-enhanced learning environment is proposed in this study, aiming to improve students’ complex problem-solving expertise by scaffolding their problem solving or reasoning processes as well as knowledge construction with support of expert knowledge.published_or_final_versio

    Design of a model-based expert-supported learning environment for problem solving expertise development

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    Conference Themes: Linking Knowing and Doing - Bridging the Gap between Theory and PracticeTeaching ill-structured problem solving skills is a critical and challenge task in medical education. While problem-base learning (PBL) is widely adopted in medical schools to enable students' learning with complex problems under minimal guidance, there are concerns about its effects on development of systemic knowledge structure and efficient reasoning process. To meet the challenge, a technology-enhanced learning environment is proposed in this study to improve students' expertise in complex problem solving by scaffolding their reasoning and knowledge construction processes with support of expert knowledge and model-based cognitive tools.published_or_final_versio

    Deep Learning towards Expertise Development in a Visualization-based Learning Environment

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